> FAQs

what's your update schedule?

our update schedule for any ongoing works can be found in our twitter bio.we do not start posting at a fixed time on each update day. generally speaking, we begin posting late in the evening @ AEST time (GMT+10).you can turn on twitter notifications for our account if you'd like to be pinged whenever we update - we only very rarely tweet anything unrelated to the ongoing au! > FAQs

what applications do you use to make your AUs?

we use a combination of applications for each update:

  • pinterest – to find photos.

  • fake socmed maker apps – we primarily use social dummy and social maker, but these have since been discontinued on the app store. as platform-specific alternatives, we also use apps like twinote and fake posts for tweets, fake call for phone notifications, and memeimessage for texts.

  • real socmed apps – we use instagram for stories and story replies, messages to grab screenshots of notification banners, mail apps, google docs, etc.

  • browser apps – there are lots of free websites out there for when you need to have more detailed control over various elements of a fake post, eg facebook post makers or google search page generators. we often use these as well.

  • word processors + procreate – for our narration segments.

  • photo editing apps – to make touch-ups and adjustments as necessary.

if you'd ever like a more detailed explanation of how we made a specific update or post, please don't hesitate to reach out & ask! > FAQs

why do you wait in between tweets, instead of posting that day's updates all at once?

a few reasons!firstly, we think it's nice for readers across various timezones to be able to share in the experience of reading parts of the update live, interacting with us and fellow readers, guessing what will happen next, etc.secondly, we're both incredibly busy with non-fandom things and as much as we wish we could say every update was perfectly prepped weeks in advance, we are often making last minute additions and changes to a given set of updates the day of... or even while we're posting AHHHHand - last but definitely not least - because we're sakuatsu stans, and we all enjoy a bit of collective suffering, right 🙂 > FAQs

is it okay for me to use a similar format as/borrow an idea from/post a work inspired by…?

more than okay!! actually, it's super exciting to think that our work could inspire ideas in fellow content creators. given that we're primarily producing fanworks, we naturally appreciate the amount of thought, time and effort that goes into any creative work - even if it's been spurred on by existing material - and personally, we always get very excited to hear from other content creators who have found something in our stories that inspired is not necessary to give us credit if you're just using certain similar formats. while we do try our best to experiment with the socmed framework and figure out new ways to display content, we don't claim to have invented anything & are sure there are others out there who may have done it first. having said that, we'd still LOVE it if you tagged or DMed us so we can also read your work and share it with any of our interested followers (who are always on the hunt for more socmeds!).with respect to works that borrow small portions of our original ideas and concepts, we would be very appreciative if you could make sure to drop us a credit. basically, if you would think it appropriate to give credit for your source inspo in this scenario were the format of our work any different, then please do!! you don't need to ask for permission in advance, but a quick tag/redirect to our twitter when sharing your work publicly would be amazing.having said that, we obviously are not okay with plagiarism or blatant ripping off of major sections of our work. the socmed format may make our work feel more casual, but please treat it with the same respect you would afford a fanwork of any other medium (e.g. a fic, art piece etc). we put a lot of love and hard work into our AUs ♡ thank you so much for understanding!!tl;dr
⭕ using unique format elements you saw in our work as a way to present completely original substantive content – credit appreciated, but not necessary
⭕ building upon a scene from our work as source material for a derivative work – ok with credit
⭕ including individual moments/story beats recognisably taken from our work in what is otherwise a transformative piece – ok with credit
❌ lifting entire chunks of plot arcs, interactions or story premises from our work with only minor substantive changes
❌ transferring the overall structural progression / sequence of events of our work onto a different ship/fandom/characters etc. > FAQs

if i have a question about [x] or [y], would you prefer that i send it to your curiouscat or your DMs?

we have no preference, so it's entirely up to you! if you feel more comfortable sending in a question anonymously, cc is probably the way to go; if you'd prefer to keep the full back-and-forth in your inbox for easy access, twitter DMs might work better.please just be aware though that we may share our answer to your question if you send us a cc. but if you asked it anonymously, the question will stay anonymous, don't worry! > FAQs

i noticed you have a ko-fi. is any of your content exclusive to supporters?

nope! we don't plan to paywall any portions of our stories. our ko-fi is purely there as an optional way for you to support our work if you'd like (as we do sometimes spend $ to make content for the AUs), but we probably won't ever lock updates/story arcs/spin-offs etc behind a way of thanking our ko-fi supporters, we might sometimes ask for their input or suggestions when we're deciding how to spend their tips on our stories - for instance, if we're planning to use ko-fi donations to commission an artwork for a particular AU, we'd love to poll past supporters to see what kind of story beat or moment they'd prefer to see in art form. however, rest assured that even in such a case we would retain the discretion to make the final call, and we will never jeopardise what we feel is the best creative direction for the story!